The project AquaTED
AquaTED provides online content about aqua culture that can be used by educators in distant learning training workshops/courses — this is not new. But the technology we now have is e-learning and e-learning design is a whole new industry and there is no lack of tips, models, frameworks on how to design online courses - we will not walk that path again. Instead we will create stories using video, sound, image and writing. AquaTED is funded by EURASTiP.
The funding body EURASTíP
The European Asian aquaculture Technology and innovation Platform (EURASTiP) is a three year research, development and innovation project, funded through the EU Horizon 2020 programme, and developed in response to EU call “reinforcing international cooperation on sustainable aquaculture production with countries from South East Asia” (see – H2020 SFS-24-2016). EURASTiP will provide a structured basis for multi-stakeholder dialogue in the aquaculture community, within South East Asia and between South East Asia and the EU. In order to achieve this, EURASTiP will build on the experience of the European Aquaculture Technology and innovation Platform (EATiP), the ASEM aquaculture platform and the individual EURASTiP consortium partners.
How to use AquaTED? An education journey in aquatic culture...
We provide different stories to tell something about a fish, its biology, ecology, production, or how people buy, prepare and eat seafood. In the end, we give some tips on how you can dig deeper, keep on asking questions and find your own answers to biology, ecology, physiology, trade, marketing … because in a food system, everything is connected.
You can start anywhere you want, you can use as many stories as you wish, it is up to you to design your course/learning journey as you feel is most useful for you.
So, let´s start from here...
The following team was mainly responsible for the compilation of the AquaTED resource: Dr. Sara Barrento is a marine biologist lecturing at Swansea University, Biosciences Department. Assistant Prof. Dr. Chutima Tantikitti is a marine biologists working at Faculty of Natural Resources Prince of Songkla University, Thailand. Dr. Eknarin Rodcharoen, Department of Aquatic Science, is an ecologist working at Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University.