
Troms stamfiskstasjon, Salmon smolt



Troms stamfiskstasjon is a hatchery owned and operated by the Salmar corporation. It is situated in the municipality of Tranøy on the island of Senja in Troms county (northern Norway).

This was originally two separate facilities: Troms stamfiskstasjon,(now Rognbanken) and Gjøvik settefisk. It was intended that Troms stamfiskstasjon would be a large broodstock facility for supplying eyed eggs, while Gjøvik settefisk would hatch and produce smolt for set-out. They are today operated as one unit under the name Troms stamfiskstasjon and only produce smolt for set-out, although in the last few years they have also sold some hatched fry to a nearby hatchery.

In 2008 the facility produced approximately 1 million 0-yearold smolt (or fall-smolt), and ½ million 1-yearold smolt. The smolt are delivered to a nearby ongrowing facility also owned by Salmar.

The site

This section contains intormation about the site and the conditions that affect the facility and its operation.

Facility and equipment

Provides a more detailed description of the facility and the equipment used.

Planning and operation

This section describes the general production plan and the operation of the facility.

Local community

This section provides information about the local community around the site.