


This page provides useful links to fish- and aquaculture-related resources and sites and projects which provide aquaculture learning materials. Please note that links may change and that AquaCase is not responsible neither for broken links nor for the content which is provided by the sites which are linked. Please send us a message when you find issues at this site.

If you have suggestions for resources which may fit to this page, please contact us. This resource will be occasionally updated. Please come back to find new contributions.


Please select the links from the table at the right side of this page. Please note that we tried to arrange the links in the table at the right side in alphabetical order.  


The project DIVERSIFY has identified a number of new/emerging finfish species, with a great potential for the expansion of the EU aquaculture industry. Although the emphasis is on Mediterranean cage-culture, fish species suitable for cold-water, pond/extensive and fresh water aquaculture have been included as well. These new/emerging species are fast growing and/or large finfishes marketed at a large size and can be processed into a range of products to provide the consumer with both a greater diversity of fish species and new value-added products. The fish species to be studied include meagre (Argyrosomus regius) and greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) for warm-water marine cage culture, wreckfish (Polyprion americanus) for warm- and cool-water marine cage culture, Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) for marine cold-water culture, grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) a euryhaline herbivore for pond/extensive culture, and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) for freshwater intensive culture using recirculating systems.

The link connects to the pages about the "DIVERSIFY"-workshops on new species conducted specifically for farmer and stakeholder.

Videos of the presentations on each species and interviews at the final conference are accessible from YouTube, DIVERSIFY Final Conference: Presentations, Interviews

The BBMBC Project

Creation of a Master’s degree at “Université de La Rochelle” entirely focused on blue biotechnologies and dedicated to their application in health, nutrition and aquaculture areas. Innovative education and work-based training for students / apprentices / workers.

Atlas of Common Freshwater Macroinvertebrates

Discover freshwater macroinvertebrates with just one click. These little creatures play a big role in freshwater ecosystems so it's important to study them properly.

Collection of Ichthyology Resources

If you want to broaden your knowledge about fish, this collection of resources will offer you many ways to learn about these creatures. You can choose from reading materials to videos and glossaries to interesting facts collected for adults and children alike.

Definitions of Oceanography Related Terms

Learning the terminology of a study is the first step in understanding it. You can use this glossary of oceanography terminology to learn about the study of the ocean or to just look up for words.

Blue Smart

Main objectives: to create new skills and competences in blue economy sector and increase the employability of current and future sectors' workers in the County of Zadar and broader.

Main activities: graduate Programme (120 ects) on “Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems” . Free online learning materials – “Introduction to Sustainable Fisheries Practice”


Led by Instituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne, Italy. Sustainable Entrepreneurship for stronger skills and new employment in fisheries and aquaculture. Based on bringing together entrepreneurs, workers, young graduates and students for classroom training, e- learning and business games. Innovation was in degree of transversal engagement and focus on multidisciplinary skills, but especially use of business simulation games

Blue Careers in Europe

Cooperation in Education and training for blue careers


Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance project led by NTNU and completed in February 2019. Focused on mapping needs and provision for vocational education in the European cage-based aquaculture sector


HEALTHY FISH is a project funded the Erasmus+ programme whose objective is to develop a Standardized Training Program at European level for the aquaculture sector, which includes the training modules for the qualification of the professionals. Outputs: Roadmap for the development of training tool at the European level. Development of standardised training programme – HealthyFish application for mobile and tablet.


Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society Plus (EMJMD ACES\ACES+). Joint Masters in Aquaculture, Environment and Society. Two-year programme with students moving between Universities: Scottish Association for Marine Science, the University of the Highlands Islands, University of Crete, University of Nantes and University of Radboud.


AQUAEXCEL 2020, a Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project, aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe.AQUAEXCEL 2020 comprises a large group of leading European aquaculture research facilities that work towards advanced integration and standardisation of tools for aquaculture research. AQUAEXCEL 2020 aims to offer services tailored to the needs of the European aquaculture community and support and conduct world-class aquaculture research.


AquaSpace is a research project aiming to understand spatial and socio-economic constraints on the expansion of aquaculture, and to test tools to help overcome these constraints. Its full title was ‘Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture’. AquaSpace aims to provide increased space for aquaculture production by identifying and attempting to overcome key constraints limiting the industry’s development using an ecosystem approach leading to a sustainable increase in EU aquaculture, while maintaining environmental quality. The overall impact of the project will be to enable the aquaculture sector to grow sustainably and to effectively negotiate for space using Marine Spatial Planning.

AquaSpace offers tools for developing standards and EU- wide recognition of qualifications. The page contains materials for the AquaSpace Masters Module "Planning and Managing the use of Space for Aquaculture" and contains materials for a 3-day professional development course on "Planning and management of space for aquaculture", tailored to the interests and concerns of professionals from within the aquaculture industry, and also regulators, research professionals, and representatives from other maritime industries and interest groups.

AquaSpace has 22 partners and 17 Case Studies in Europe, China, North America, Australia and New Zealand. One Case Study was of the farming of freshwater fish in Hungary, the others dealt with the marine farming of fin-fish and shell-fish.


Hatchery Feed aims to further the knowledge and understanding of hatchery feed and nutrition for aquatic species. It brings together farmers, hatchery operators, feed manufacturers, researchers, experts, novices and those just interested in the fascinating world of hatchery feed and nutrition.

Hatcheries are the foundation of the burgeoning aquaculture industry, and feed is at the heart of a successful hatchery. Understanding what you feed and why and how you feed it is fundamental — yet not always accessible — knowledge.

Hatcheryfeed provides frequently magazines such as the Hatcheryfeed Magazine and the Hatchery Feed Guide & Year Book . Some of the their resources are available as download at this site.

Regional database of alternative feed ingredients in Aquaculture in Asia

Aquaculture production in the Southeast Asia has markedly increased for the past several years. Supporting this upward direction entails the reliance of aquaculture on efficient and sustainable aqua feed production. Feed is the largest single cost item in aquaculture production and accounts for 50-60% of the total cost. Formulating aquaculture feeds requires the use of several ingredient combinations.

The creation of a database for available alternative feed ingredient in Southeast Asia is aimed for aquaculture feed producers, fish farmers and individuals interested in obtaining knowledge on the ingredient materials that are currently used in aquaculture of the region. The database would allow end users to understand different properties of a specific feed ingredient in aquaculture, that would eventually address the gaps and constraints of a sustainable aquaculture feed industry. The directory is composed of the locally available ingredients in the region, test animal (fish species), optimal inclusion level in the feed, nutrients composition, functional properties and the effects on fish performance parameters.

The database is a collaborative effort between SEAFDEC/AQD and SEAFDEC member countries through their respective focal persons (representatives) with funding support from the Government of Japan Trust Fund (GOJ-TF).


If you have any questions regarding this website, find a mistake or have ideas for improvement, please contact Odd Ivar Lekang (odd-ivar.lekang@umb.no) or Bernd Ueberschär (info@bioserve-deutschland.de). .